Lauri Love, a computer activist who allegedly hacked into the US Federal Reserve and the Missile Defense Agency, has told a London court he might take his own life if he were extradited to the US.
Giving evidence about his health and computing career at Westminster magistrates court, the 31-year-old student, who lives at home with his parents in Suffolk, said he did not believe he would receive justice if sent abroad because of the “coercive plea-bargaining” system used in America.
Love and other hackers are also alleged to have infiltrated the computer systems of the US army, the FBI and US health service companies. Credit card details and employees’ personal records were allegedly stolen during 2012 and 2013. Love denies the US version of events.
Questioned by his barrister, Ben Cooper, Love – who suffers from eczema, Asperger syndrome, depression and psychosis – told the court: “Sadly, what I expect [in an American prison are] the urges, the depression, the helplessness … I will exercise what remains of my self-control and I will take my life.
“It would result in a tragedy that could be avoided by not having me kidnapped … If I was sent to America those urges to bring my life to an end would be much stronger.”
Love explained that he has to resist the desire to scratch his skin all the time and goes through a lengthy bathing regime to help calm himself and reduce the inflammation.
As a result of the pressure of plea-bargaining in the US justice system, he said, 95-96% of cases did not end in trials but in guilty pleas. “I don’t entertain any prospects of justice in America. If any crimes were committed, they were committed in the UK … I can’t imagine anything worse than being in a US prison.”
Lawyers for Love have argued that he should be tried in the UK and point out that one of his alleged co-conspirators has already been tried in Australia.
But Peter Caldwell, prosecuting, suggested that Love had been courting publicity in the media and playing up his medical condition to prevent his extradition.
“You have, in the public eye and in preparing your case, exaggerated those symptoms to the medical profession,” he said. “Are you seeking to promote your personal difficulties as a shield to avoid extradition?”
Love denied that he was misleading doctors or misrepresenting the severity of his condition. “I have no experience of diagnosis of medical conditions,” he said. “I’m not on anti-depressant medication, partially because of loved ones who responded badly to anti-depressants.
“It is up to you if you want to call into question the veracity of medical experts. If the thrust of the argument is that we collaborated to create misleading medical reports, that is disappointing.”
Three US jurisdictions – in New York, New Jersey and Virginia – are seeking to have Love extradited. His targets are alleged to have included the US Federal Reserve, the US Missile Defense Agency, the Department of Defense, Nasa, the Army engineers research centre, the FBI and private health companies.
Love attended Nottingham and Glasgow universities but did not complete his courses. He is studying engineering from home.
The case was adjourned until 20 July.