Former porn mega-star Jenna Jameson, a recent convert to Judaism, blasted the white supremacist David Duke as an “evil” and “loathsome monster” early Sunday, after he made anti-Semitic comments about her and the porn industry.
Jameson said she always knew she would face hatred, but accepted it as an inevitable part of being Jewish.
Duke had tweeted that “Jews dominate porn” and then asked why that is acceptable to “Christians.” His tweet included a link to a story on Jameson’s revelation earlier, in a series of tweets about Israel, that she has “a massive crush” on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“I guess it is my first welcome to being Jewish and hated for it,” Jameson said in a direct message to a reporter.
“Being targeted was something I knew would come but it still shocked me to be attacked by such an outspoken loathsome monster like David Duke,” she added. But she said racist attacks would not deter her from backing of the Jewish state.
“My support of Israel is undying… if it means being targeted by evil anti-Semites, so be it,” Jameson said.
Jameson’s tweetstorm began with a post of remarks Netanyahu made on Sunday to the annual Brookings Institution’s Saban Forum for Middle East Policy, and a comment about his budding relationship with US President-elect Donald Trump, whom she supported for the presidency.
“It’s so apparent Trump and BeBe [sic] are going to be great friends…. I have to admit I have a massive crush on @netanyahu,” she wrote, invoking Netanyahu’s nickname, Bibi.
Duke tweeted on his account “((( Jenna Jameson ))) reveals ‘massive crush’ on Netanyahu. Jews dominate porn – why are “Christians” ok with that?” employing the triple-parentheses code used by anti-Semites to denote Jews on Twitter
((( Jenna Jameson ))) reveals ‘massive crush’ on Netanyahu
Jews dominate porn – why are “Christians” ok with that?— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) December 5, 2016
Duke’s comments sparked a series of responses from other Twitter users about Jewish pornographers and film stars, with some pointing out that Jameson, who was raised Catholic, converted to Judaism years after she left the porn industry in 2008 following a career that spanned 15 years.
Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, claimed that Jameson’s conversion was “revealing her true identity all along.”
“Converted”? – You mean revealing her true identity all along?
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) December 5, 2016
I would prefer @DrDavidDuke never utter my name…
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) December 5, 2016
Last month, Jameson said that she had completed her conversion to Orthodox Judaism, tweeting on November 11, “#mikva #Blessings.” She has been engaged to an Israeli man, Lior Bitton, for over a year.
Sprinkled among revealing photos, her Twitter feed contains many Jewish-related posts along with political commentary and what seems to be a dedicated effort to answer those who tweet at her, even in Hebrew.
She and her fiance were said to be filming a reality series showing her conversion to Judaism and preparations for the wedding, reportedly set to take place in Israel, though it is unclear when.