London – UK Court Sentences Radical Preacher Choudary To 5½ Years
London – One of Britain’s best-known radical Islamic preachers was sentenced Tuesday to 5½ years in prison for encouraging support for the Islamic State group.
London – One of Britain’s best-known radical Islamic preachers was sentenced Tuesday to 5½ years in prison for encouraging support for the Islamic State group.
Fox News is set to pay a whopping $20 million to settle a lawsuit with former anchor Gretchen Carlson two months after she accused her old boss Roger Ailes of sexual harassment, according to a report.
An ultra-orthodox Jewish community in London has launched a £1 million fundraising bid to finance legal battles against parents who want to take their children into secular society.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday lashed out at Barack Obama as the “son of a whore” in response to Obama’s plan to question Duterte about his country’s savage drug war that has claimed more than 2,400 lives.
The network of ISIS jihadists behind the devastating 2015 attacks in Paris had planned for an even greater bloodbath — as well as additional strikes in other European countries, it was reported Monday.
Troops loyal to the Syrian regime along with Hezbollah fighters have allegedly been finalizing plans to launch a large-scale operation against Syrian opposition forces near the border with Israel, according to Iranian media.
The death toll from Monday’s construction collapse in Tel Aviv’s Ramat Hachayal neighborhood rose to four on Tuesday morning as search and rescue workers found another body under the rubble.
Randi Zuckerberg, an entrepreneur, radio host and sister to Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, discussed and encouraged “unplugging” from electronic devices on Shabbat while at the One-to-One forum in New York this past June.
A woman living in France was represented in a Chief Rabbi beis din last week for the purpose of obtaining a ‘get’ from her husband by the Yad L’Isha organization, which is affiliated with Ohr Torah Stone Institutions.
These are the pictures your government doesn’t want you to see.